



Solve up to 60% of customer queries

Solve 60% of customer queries with

Solve up to 60% of customer queries




Free up your service team
Enable 24/7 responses
Close more sales

Free up your service team
Enable 24/7 responses
Close more sales

Free up your service team
Enable 24/7 responses
Close more sales

Answer instantly with AI Agents

Answer instantly with AI Agents

Answer instantly with
AI Agents

Speedy, tireless, and cost-effective

Speedy, tireless, and cost-effective

Increase revenue

Answer queries 24/7 so you never miss out on a sales opportunity

Reduce service costs

AI agents have a cheaper cost per resolution than human reps

What time do you open?

We open at 8am!

Improve rep efficiency

Free your reps from repetitive queries to focus on more impactful tasks

AI agents make it cheaper to resolve customer queries

"Payflex aimed to introduce an AI chatbot as a new channel to handle customer queries more efficiently and effectively. We identified that many of these queries were similar in nature and could be addressed by AI, reducing the cost per resolution whilst speeding up customer support resolution time." 

Chris Olsen

Chief Operating Officer

AI agents make it cheaper to resolve customer queries

"Payflex aimed to introduce an AI chatbot as a new channel to handle customer queries more efficiently and effectively. We identified that many of these queries were similar in nature and could be addressed by AI, reducing the cost per resolution whilst speeding up customer support resolution time." 

Chris Olsen

Chief Operating Officer


How much do AI agents cost?

How much do AI agents cost?


Per 100 Resolution pack

£0.99 per resolution

£1.49 per resolution > 100


Per 100 Resolution pack

£0.99 per resolution

£1.49 per resolution > 100

Only pay when AI agents successfully solve a customer query and question

Only pay when AI agents successfully solve a customer query and question

Answer customers faster

Free up your service team

Serve customers 24/7, 365

Manage costs as you scale

How it works

AI agents are easy to build

AI agents are easy to build

Create custom AI agents in 3 easy steps

Create custom AI agents in 3 easy steps

Connect your data

Add documents detailing your pricing, claims, products, returns, Ts&Cs, etc

Connect your data

Add documents detailing your pricing, claims, products, returns, Ts&Cs, etc

Customise your AI

Give your AI agent a name, an on-brand personality, and custom instructions

Customise your AI

Give your AI agent a name, an on-brand personality, and custom instructions

Test and go live 🚀

Take the training wheels off and
get your

AI agent out into the world

Test and go live 🚀

Take the training wheels off and
get your

AI agent out into the world


Assist customers anywhere with AI agents

Serve customers instantly on their favourite channels with AI

Ready to get your own

Ready to get an



What are AI agents?

What are AI agents?

How do I get started?

How do I get started?

How do you build AI agents?

How do you build AI agents?

Can AI agents handle complex queries?

Can AI agents handle complex queries?

How accurate are AI agents?*

How accurate are AI agents?*

What channels do AI agents work on?

What channels do AI agents work on?

What languages can AI agents speak?

What languages can AI agents speak?

How much do AI agents cost?

How much do AI agents cost?

AI agents vs Human agents cost?

AI agents vs Human agents cost?







