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How to Use WhatsApp for Student Support

24 Jul 2024


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    It’s frustrating for existing and prospective students when the campus help desk is closed, emails go unanswered, and the student portal isn’t useful. 

    For your support teams, on the other hand, endless emails, phone calls, and in-person inquiries can quickly overwhelm them. 

    It's the reality for most educational institutions. But what if there was a way to provide instant, round-the-clock support that fits in students' pockets and saves time for your support teams?

    In this article, we'll cover:

    • Why WhatsApp is ideal for student support

    • How to transform student support and improve student satisfaction and retention

    • Why WhatsApp is better than other channels for student support

    WhatsApp vs. other channels for student support

    Did you know that 85% of Gen Z prefer messaging for customer support? WhatsApp isn't just keeping up with the times; it's setting the pace faster than a first-year running late for their first class.

    When it comes to student support, the channel you choose can significantly impact student satisfaction and operational efficiency. Let's dive deeper into how WhatsApp stacks up against traditional communication methods:

    WhatsApp vs. email

    Email used to be the go-to communication tool - but it has several drawbacks in the context of student support:

    • Low engagement: With overflowing inboxes and spam filters, emails often get buried or overlooked. In contrast, WhatsApp's high open and read rates ensure your messages are seen. Only 20% of emails are opened, compared to 99% of WhatsApp messages.

    • Delayed responses: It’s easy for one email to turn into an email chain, with back-and-forth messaging leading to delayed responses. Students often wait anxiously, feeling frustrated while waiting for important information. WhatsApp, on the other hand, allows for real-time communication.

    WhatsApp vs. phone calls

    Phone calls, while still relevant in certain situations, have limitations when it comes to student support:

    • Limited availability: Students may not be available to answer calls during peak hours, leading to missed opportunities for support. WhatsApp, on the other hand, allows students to connect at their own pace.

    • Call queues: Long wait times on hold can be frustrating for students, especially during peak periods. WhatsApp eliminates the need for call queues, providing instant access to support.

    • Lack of documentation: Documenting phone conversations is not easy, making it difficult to track issues and provide consistent support. WhatsApp for teams allows staff to create a record of interactions, improving accountability and transparency.

    WhatsApp vs. in-person support

    While face-to-face interactions are invaluable, they don’t always work when it comes to addressing routine student inquiries:

    • Limited availability: In-person support is restricted to specific hours and locations, making it inaccessible for many students. WhatsApp offers 24/7 support, overcoming geographical and time constraints.

    • Scalability issues: Handling a large volume of student inquiries in person can be overwhelming. WhatsApp allows for the efficient handling of multiple inquiries at the same time through chatbots and live chat agents.

    • Lack of flexibility: In-person support doesn't accommodate students with different learning styles or comfort levels. WhatsApp offers a more flexible and inclusive communication channel.

    By understanding the limitations of traditional communication channels and the advantages of WhatsApp for student support, educational institutions can make informed decisions about how to best support their students.

    Why WhatsApp works for student support

    Let's face it, students today are glued to their smartphones. Education needs to keep up. Enter WhatsApp, the pocket-sized powerhouse that's transforming the way schools and students connect.

    We've already explored how to promote open days with WhatsApp and how to nurture prospective students to boost enrolment.

    Now, let's dive into why WhatsApp is the superhero of student support, cape and all. 

    Students already use it

    WhatsApp is their go-to for everything, from sharing memes to planning hangouts. Why not make it their go-to for learning and support too? It's where they are, making it easy to reach them with important updates, assignments, and even one-on-one support via live chat or chatbots.

    Real-time learning and announcements

    Forget those dreaded group email chains. WhatsApp lets you connect with students instantly. Share class updates, answer questions, and even send out last-minute reminders in seconds with WhatsApp broadcasts. It's like having a classroom that’s always open for students to walk into when they want to.

    Beyond textbooks

    Learning is more than just words on a page. With WhatsApp, you can share videos, images, and documents to make your lessons come alive.

    Build stronger connections

    WhatsApp helps break down the barriers between educational institutions and students. It's a more personal way to connect and build trust and rapport.

    Always on, always connected

    Unlike traditional communication channels, WhatsApp is always on, even when your support team is asleep. Students can access information and support on their terms, day or night. It's like having a dedicated support line open 24/7.

    How to Use WhatsApp for Student Support

    — Pre-enrolment support

    WhatsApp chatbots: 24/7 student support

    Educational institutions can set up automated responses to common pre-enrolment queries. They can create a chatbot that guides students through the enrolment process, from document submission to module selection.

    WhatsApp live chat: Personal enrolment concierge

    Educational institutions can connect prospective students with admissions staff for personalised guidance. They can offer one-on-one sessions to discuss financial aid options or programme details.

    WhatsApp broadcasts: Reach who you need to

    Educational institutions can send mass messages to all prospective students about important dates and deadlines. They can create urgency around enrolment deadlines and orientation dates.

    — Post-enrolment support

    WhatsApp chatbots: Your AI teaching assistant

    Educational students can build a comprehensive FAQ system for enrolled students. This can provide instant answers to questions about campus services, fees, payments, course schedules, and academic policies.

    WhatsApp live chat: Personalised student support

    You can allow chatbots to route students to academic advisors and discuss course details, outstanding fees, exam results and more.

    WhatsApp broadcasts: Keep students informed

    Institutions can send targeted announcements to specific student groups. This can be to notify students about campus events, emergency alerts, or important academic dates.

    160 reasons to get started with Cue and WhatsApp:

    In the world of education, a 160% improvement in conversion rates isn't just a number – it's a revolution. Just ask MANCOSA, who saw their sales skyrocket after implementing Cue's WhatsApp solution.

    But this isn't just about one success story. It's about the future of education and how WhatsApp can transform communication. Cue and WhatsApp enable:

    • Your admissions team can juggle inquiries faster.

    • Students get answers quicker.

    • Enrolment processes become smoother.

    • Student support is available 24/7.

    With WhatsApp and Cue, you're opening a direct line to your students' pockets. Don't let another question go unanswered. Request a demo and transform student support with Cue and WhatsApp. 

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